
Hippie Spirit Bundle

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Hippie Spirit Bundle
Hippie Spirit Bundle 732401
Originally, a hippie was a member of a liberal counterculture, a youth movement that started in the United States and United Kingdom during the mid-1960s and spread to other countries around the world. This collection however is all about the modern hippies.
Modern hippies like organic food, they care about the earth and its inhabitants, they recycle and support companies that operate consciously and sustainably. Modern hippies have a vibe that is similar to the original hippies – relaxed, accepting and peaceful. Their free spirits prefer to go with the flow instead of swim upstream. All in all, they are nice people to be around. The modern hippie hasn’t abandoned the desire for more peace and love in the world, but it’s pursued in a slightly different way. The modern hippie is supremely focused on cultivating inner peace. This is because they know that these things are contagious, and if you’re peaceful inside, then the person sitting next to you gets to benefit from the calm spirit that you emanate. The hippie spirit is alive and well with the original hippies still leading the way for all of us who will never stop trying to make our planet more peaceful, loving and green. - Source: Kimberly Kingsley - Modern Hippie: An Intuitive Journey Toward a Free-Spirited Life
Hippie Spirit is filled with tons of papers and elements in bright and happy colours and patterns and a bit of boho chic. Finish up those pages with a touch of paint and a few whimsical doodles... Embrace all the peace and love in your heart... Scrap, art journal and create... express those positive vibes and let your spirit soar!

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