
Special DJ Flyer Bundle V3

Written by uploader. Posted in Photoshop » Flyer And Menu Templates
Special DJ Flyer Bundle V3

Special DJ Flyer Bundle V3

Special DJ Flyer Bundle V3 333475

PSD | Adobe CS3+ | 8.5 x 11.9 in | 300 DPI | CMYK Color | Print ready | RAR 649.19 MB

4 Photoshop .psd file

A4 size (21×29.7 cm) or (8.3×11.7 inch) with bleed (21.6×30.3 cm) or (8.5×11.9 inch)

Print Ready (CMYK, 300 DPI, bleed)

Layers are labeled, color coded and organized in groups for easy navigation.

Girl models not included.



Fonts used:


Century Gothic: System font

Bebas Neue: http://www.fontsquirrel.com/fonts/bebas-NEUE

Quasix Titling: http://www.dafont.com/quasix-titling.font

General tips for editing the flyer's general text and pictures:


Texts: All the text is editable just by simply double-clicking on the text's layer in Photoshop, and just typing in your desired information.

Model: Double click on the smart object layer Replace Model Here, Place ypur own model on the new opened window and save.



Fonts used:


Exo: http://www.fontsquirrel.com/fonts/exo

Prime: http://www.fontfabric.com/prime-free-font/

London Between: http://www.dafont.com/london-between.font

Ostrich Sans: http://www.fontsquirrel.com/fonts/ostrich-sans

General tips for editing the flyer's general text and pictures:


Texts: All the text is editable just by simply double-clicking on the text's layer in Photoshop, and just typing in your desired information.

Model: Double click on the smart object layer Replace Model Here, Place your own model on the new opened window and save.



Fonts used:


Arial: System font

MVSans: http://ttfonts.net/font/27478_MVSans.htm

General tips for editing the flyer's general text and Pictures:


Texts: All the text is editable just by simply double-clicking on the text's layer in Photoshop, and just typing in your desired information.

Pictures: Double click on the smart object layer Replace Pictures Here, Place your own Picture on the new opened window and save.

You can purchase each flyer separately here:


DJ Guest Flyer Template V6: https://creativemarket.com/lou606/320127-DJ-Guest-Flyer-Template-V6

DJ Guest Flyer Template V7: https://creativemarket.com/lou606/325016-DJ-Guest-Flyer-Template-V7

DJ Battle Flyer Template V2: https://creativemarket.com/lou606/324303-DJ-Battle-Flyer-Template-V2

If you have some requests or questions, do not hesitate to drop us a message. We' ll be happy to help you. (Please have in mind that we may have a different Time Zone. But be sure we'll answer any question as soon as seen. We always do). Have a nice day!


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