Precio & Zephirro E-Commerce PSD UI Set
Photoshop PSD | 2 Items | 38 MB
This set includes well over 200 individual elements that can be used in your own designs, which can greatly reduce the amount of time needed. Precio includes a wide variety of elements like navigation menus, buttons, ribbons, badges, infographics elements, comment boxes, pricing tables, form fields, media player elements, dividers, progress loaders, ratings elements, calendars and timers, notifications, login forms, testimonial boxes and more.Zephirro includes elements like pricing tables, feature boxes, shopping cart, shopping cart widgets, checkout progress bars, checkout, product listing, product detail, user reviews elements, product options like dropdowns and checkboxes, badges, ribbons, notifications, chat support, a login form, navigation menus, and even newsletter sign up boxes. With all of these elements, much of the design work is already done for creating an e-commerce website.