Business Proposal Template (US) 628496INDD
## Business Proposal Template - US Letter for Indesign CS4 or Later Pages to describe your agency, process & philosophy. Present your team members. Describe your clients problem, your solution & fee breakdown. Also included easy to format terms & conditions section, suggested timeplan, price tables for your current offers & a ready to use invoice. US Letter Portrait CMYK & Print Ready with 1/8 inches Bleed Clean & Modern Design Paragraph, Character & Object Styles for easy customization & text formating Master page to quickly add your company details to every page of the document Easily change the entire color scheme by changing the basic color swatch! ### Contents: .INDD files (compatible with Adobe InDesign CC 2014) .IDML files (compatible with Adobe InDesign CS4+) .PDF files for preview ### Fonts Used: Aller Bold (Download for free at http://www.fontsquirrel.com/fonts/Aller) FontAwesome (Download for free at http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/) Open Sans (Download for free at: http://www.fontsquirrel.com/fonts/open-sans) ### Other Notes: To change the color scheme simply change the main colors to the one you like without having any object selected! To f File Types INDD, PDF, All Files File Size 986.69 KB Requirements Adobe CS4+