
Signature Script Intro Sale

Written by uploader. Posted in Fonts

Signature Script Intro Sale

Signature Script Intro Sale 2212062


Signature Script is a smooth pen script with large display capitals and small but legible lowercase letters. It’s ideal for logo, signature, poster, brochure or any display use. Signature Script is great for typing headlines or a restaurant logo - it’s stylish but legible enough due to its smooth shapes.

Signature Script has at least three alternates for every basic lowercase letters that are automatically connected to next letter nicely. This feature is coded inside Standard Ligature so I recommend keeping that on. There’s also Stylistic Alternates for every standard Uppercase letter and Swash, Stylistic and Titling Alternates on certain lowercase letters that can be used to spice up your words. The font is PUA encoded so you can access extras in most graphic design softwares even without OpenType support.


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