ALS SyysScript Font Family
2 x TTF and OTF
Handwriting of a strong Carelian personality revived: It all started with this Soviet postcard I got from my aunt Katri more than twenty years ago inviting me come to Carelia in autumn. Katri had a very kind but also energetic personality, and I felt her handwriting is a mirror of it. By making “SyysScript”, based on Katri’s handwriting, I felt I could revive some of her unforgettable character. The name “SyysScript” is Finnish and translates as “Script of Autumn” – Katri’s favorite season – harvesting time, time for collecting the fruits of nature in the forest and the garden.
Since its release, SyysScript has become a favorite for many. Here’s what Elsa says about using it for her diary: “I got off to a bad start as I’m using my laptop to write. It’s only that my Macbook is my friend and I have the most beautiful handwritten font called SyysScript that I love to scrawl in. It’s not that I don’t ‘do’ handwriting myself, but this is just more fun, and – if I’m to be honest – is a lot easier.”
Language support: Western and Central European, Extended Cyrillic.