Colors 1138968
This ‘Colors PPT’ is designed based on ‘colors’ theme aiming for uses in various cases not being limited to a specific field of topic.
Used 6 different refreshing colors to add active and animated looks, and designed the entire slides simple but refined; good enough to emphasize important parts by applying different color theme for each section of the template.
Slides contain visual elements, such as diagrams, graphs, text boxes, maps,tables and etc., which will help you visualize and emphasize your information; this will certainly help you make your presentation more effective.
The size and color of visual elements included in each slide can be easily modified within the PowerPoint.
60 slides (standard, wide; 30 each type)
PPTX files
All elements, colors, shapes and charts can be modified and edited easily
Slide Size: Standard(4:3) & Wide(16:9)