MEADOWLAND 45 Photoshop Actions 2022371
Meadowland Photoshop Actions include 10 beautiful handmade Textures and of course, pretty little Actions to speed up your work flow. You will find 45 Actions and 12 High res Textures. Including...
Using my photoshop actions is a Breeze! They are non destructive, and each layer is visible for you own personal adjustments. Adding my textures after completing the Actions will finish your work off beautifully. I have used images in the samples that have only been light and contrast edited in camera raw. Just like yours will be. They are not already edited photographs like other sellers use which gives you a much more realistic idea of what you can achieve using the actions in the set.
Unlike other sellers who have very small files, all the textures are big. They vary in size from 3MB - 7MB and most are around 4000 x 6000. This means you can print in a large size and have no loss of quality.