Spring Flower Props &Mockups 7224167 PSD | 366 MB RAR
More than 45 Isolated & fully movable botanical props (image6):
- 1 Anemone blanda
- 5 individual Anemone flower
- A bunch Anemone flower
- Anemone leaves
- 2 blue eyed grass
- 2 buttercup flowers
- 3 Clover leaves
- Cow Vetch leaves
- Dandelions
- English Plantain
- 4 Equisetum arvenses
- 4 Erythronium
- 2 fiddlehead
- Forget me not
- 2 Horsetail
- Wild Hyacinths
- 3 Iris
- 2 lilac
- 4 Lily of the valley
- Nasturtium leaves
- Strawberry flowers
- 3 wild Violets
- A bunch wild Violets
- 1 3.5x5 envelop with strawberry flowers
- 1 3.5x5 envelop with wild Violets