Genuine Crafted Chalk for PS & AI 527802
This incredible set includes 75 brushes total for both Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator! The most extensive brush set I've ever created. Creating this set has been a fun challenge. Sure, there are plenty of chalk brush sets out on the market, but I wanted to create one that covered all bases. A complete resource that provided extensive tools for both Photoshop and Illustrator. Each brush had to look and feel like real chalk, and each brush had to be useful. It was a pretty tall order, and I feel confident that I met the goals and demands I put upon this product. As with all of my items, this one is made by hand using real life materials. I started out with chalk on my hands in order to figure out exactly how a real chalk stroke looks and acts. This product is extensive, so I included a quick reference guide and some installation instructions to simply everything.